On October 9-10, Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, NY is hosting a conference on the life and times of St. Tikhon, the great Russian bishop in America and later Patriarch of Moscow. I’m one of the speakers (on St. Tikhon’s interactions with the other Orthodox ethnic groups in America), but the highlight will surely be Dr. Scott Kenworthy’s keynote. Dr. Kenworthy has spent years researching St. Tikhon, and by now he’s basically a walking encyclopedia on the saint.
If you’re anywhere near Jordanville on October 9-10, and you have any interest in Orthodox history, this conference is definitely worth your time. You can find more details at http://hts.edu/news_150512_1.html, and you can view the full conference program by clicking here. And if any of our Orthodox History readers do make it to the conference, be sure to say hello to me!