Category: Global Orthodoxy

The Ukrainian Crisis and Orthodoxy’s Impasse, by Carol Saba

Carol Saba is an attorney in France and one of the leading thinkers and writers in the Patriarchate of Antioch. Recently, he published a 5-part series in the widely-read Lebanese newspaper an-Nahar, describing the historical context for the current Orthodox crisis. This series was translated into English and published at Notes on...

The History of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, 1830-1923

The following paper, originally entitled, "Greek-Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople, 1839-1923," was written by Professor Dimitris Stamatopoulos and published in the Great Online Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World. The original Greek text may be found at this link. The original English translation may be found at this link. I found this paper to...

The Nine Years that Almost Destroyed the Orthodox Church

Back in March, I published a 9-part series on the global Orthodox crisis of 1917-1925. I've made a few revisions to that account and added an Epilogue and a partial bibliography. Today, I'm publishing all of that -- 9,000+ words, altogether.  Orthodoxy is currently facing a global crisis of unity....

The Massive Growth of the Orthodox Episcopate Since 2006

In 2006, there were 668 active, canonical Orthodox bishops in the world. Today, there are 947. That's a net increase of 279 bishops, or 42% -- and most of that growth is coming from the Moscow Patriarchate. Last week, I published an article estimating the number of Orthodox bishops in...

How many Orthodox bishops are in the world?

As best I can tell, there are 941 active, canonical Orthodox bishops in the world right now. Give or take. Compared to the 19th century, that's a big increase -- in 1859, we had just 278 bishops worldwide. But at the time of the First Ecumenical Council, there were a...

The Nine Years That Almost Destroyed the Orthodox Church: 1925

Here are links to the previous articles in this series on the global Orthodox crisis of 1917-25: 19171918191919201921192219231924 Ecumenical Patriarch Constantine VI By 1925, following his near-assassination, Patriarch Tikhon’s health was in serious decline. Among other things, his heart was failing, and he suffered from severe inflammation of the mouth....