Category: SOCHA

Lecture at the Clergy-Laity Congress

For any of our readers who will be attending the upcoming Greek Archdiocese Clergy-Laity Congress in Atlanta: On Monday and Tuesday (July 5 and 6), I will be giving a talk on early Greek Orthodoxy in America. My talk focuses roughly on the 1860-1920 period, and regular readers of

A break for Holy Week

For the remainder of Holy Week, I'm going to take a break from writing new articles. We'll have new material up on Bright Monday, April 5. In the meantime, feel free to check out our many past articles -- we've got almost 200 up so far, and you can navigate... interview

I was recently interviwed by Virginia Nieuwsma of, the official website of the Antiochian Archdiocese. They ran the interview today, and you can read it by clicking here.

American Orthodox History in 2009

It's the end of another year, and I thought I'd do what so many others are doing, and take a look back at the year that has passed. But I won't be revisiting all the significant events that took place in 2009; rather, I want to consider the progress of...

A note of thanks

I happened to pick up an old favorite off the bookshelf recently -- E.H. Carr's classic What Is History?, published in 1961. It's a wonderful little book about the method of history; if you majored in history in college, there's a good chance you've heard of it. It's not quite...

Podcast series on past attempts at unity

I thought I'd let all the readers of this website know that I've launched a bit of a miniseries on my Ancient Faith Radio podcast. For the next five or six episodes, I'll be interviewing experts (and SOCHA members) Fr. John Erickson, Fr. Andrew Damick, and Fr. Oliver Herbel. In...

Three Additions

We've made three major additions to the website in the past few days that you might like to take a look at: Administration (just what it says: listing our Advisory and Executive Boards), Terms of Use (standard for many websites; please read and abide by them), and Resources (all...

Why study American Orthodox history?

Those of us who are doing the tinkering on the machinery of the newly founded SOCHA have been astounded by the outpouring of attention that our site has received. From the stats, we're getting around 200 views per day on the site, and we now have more than 500 fans...

SOCHA on Facebook

The Society now has a "page" on Facebook, adding another outlet to keep folks connected with this site and what's going on in the study of American Orthodox history: Check it out here.