Yet Another Priest is Taken to Court

In the middle of the twentieth century, Fr. Boris Burden (+1973) played important roles in American Orthodoxy.  It was he and Fr. Michael Gelsinger who rallied behind the attempt in the late 20s and early 30s to unite Orthodoxy and they were the key players, together with George E. Phillies...

Atlas Excerpt #2: Agapius Honcharenko

Recently, Holy Cross Orthodox Press published the Atlas of American Orthodox Christian Churches, edited by Alexei D. Krindatch. I contributed several pieces to the Atlas, including the article “Ten Interesting Facts About the History of Orthodox Christianity in the USA.” With Alexei’s permission, we’ll publish excerpts from that article over...

SOCHA Newsletter, Issue #1 (July 15, 2011)

A few weeks ago, I tested a new feature, "Friday Links." The response was generally positive, but the idea has evolved a bit since then. Instead of merely posting links on each (or every other) Friday, we're going to begin offering a SOCHA newsletter. At the outset, I'm planning...

New podcast up at Ancient Faith Radio

After a hiatus of more than a year, I've finally added a new American Orthodox History episode over at Ancient Faith Radio. It's actually the audio of a talk I gave last July at the Greek Archdiocese Clergy-Laity Congress in Atlanta, but I just recently got around to sending it to...

Metropolia beats Moscow in court

In the Supreme Court cases Kedroff v. St. Nicholas Cathedral and its successor Kreshik v. St. Nicholas Cathedral, the highest court in the country ruled against the Metropolia and in favor of the Moscow Patriarchate in a dispute over church property. But Moscow didn't win all the time. The 1962...

Atlas Excerpt #1: Orthodoxy in Colonial Virginia

Recently, Holy Cross Orthodox Press published the Atlas of American Orthodox Christian Churches, edited by Alexei D. Krindatch. I contributed several pieces to the Atlas, including the article "Ten Interesting Facts About the History of Orthodox Christianity in the USA." With Alexei's permission, we'll publish excerpts from that article over...

Five court cases

Sorry for the long delay between articles... I've been terribly busy, I'm afraid. Here are notes on five of the many, many Orthodox court cases I've been researching lately. These cases fit broadly into the category of "deference," where the courts tend to defer to the higher church authorities (bishop,...

Independence Day in Chicago, 1892

Back in 2009, I wrote an article about a unique Independence Day church service held in Chicago by Fr. Firmilian Drazich of Serbia. I thought it'd be appropriate to link to it today. If anyone out there has more information about this fascinating event, please email me at mfnamee [at]...

Orthodoxy and the First Shot of the American Civil War

This is about as unlikely a title for an article on American Orthodox history I ever expected to come up with! But a visit to a used bookstore in Canada a week ago has thrown up some whole new avenues for research. I found a slender volume entitled “Lincoln and...

Friday Links

I'm testing out a possible new feature here at -- links to recent articles that might be of interest to readers of our website. Please let me know what you think of this feature, and if you have any suggestions for links to include in future "Friday Links" posts....