Fr. Oliver Herbel on St. Peter the Aleut

This morning on his Frontier Orthodoxy blog, Fr. Oliver Herbel offered a post with the provocative title, "St. Peter the Aleut Did Not Exist." Fr. Oliver says that he intentionally did not publish the article here at so as to spare us the inevitable debate; however, I do think it's...

The first Armenian Orthodox churches in America

As far as I can tell, in the year and a half we've been publishing articles here at, we've never once posted anything on the Oriental Orthodox Churches. The main reason is simply that our authors are all Eastern Orthodox, and really can't speak with any kind of expertise...

RSS feed is back

Some of you may have noticed that we've been having some difficulties with our RSS feed from the site. Well, now it appears to be back in working order. So, if you haven't been seeing our posts (because you read only via syndication), welcome back. Make sure you check back...

Shifting Gears

If you're a regular reader of this website, you've no doubt noticed a precipitous decline in the frequency of posts. Until last spring, we posted one new article per weekday -- five articles a week, 20+ per month. I wrote the vast majority of them, and while I had a great...

The first churches of Portland

It's been a week since we last posted new material, and for that, I apologize. I've been in Portland with my wife and kids, visiting the in-laws. Portland has a rich, fascinating Orthodox history, and I plan to discuss it in detail in future articles. In the meantime, I thought...

St. Alexander Hotovitzky on the New Year

Editor's note: Last year, we reprinted St. Alexander Hotovitzky's 1902 reflection on the New Year. It was originally published in the January 1902 supplement to the Vestnik (Messenger), of which he was the editor. With New Year's Day coming this weekend, we're reprinting the reflection again: Again I stand on the...

Vintage color postcard of Chicago’s Holy Trinity Cathedral

Yesterday, we published a series of photos of Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago. These images, taken in 1905, are part of the Library of Congress' online collection of photos from the Chicago Daily News. Over on our Facebook page, a reader named Katja Yurschak posted a link to a wonderful...

1905 photos from Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago

The Library of Congress website has all sorts of great resources, including a collection of old photos from the Chicago Daily News. The following five photos are of the newly-built Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago. -- Matthew Namee

Fr. Irvine & the Orthodox women’s college of Brooklyn

Editor's note: The following article originally appeared in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle on November 28, 1915: The Holy Orthodox Russo-Greek Catholic Church has established a college for young women at the corner of Pennsylvania and Glenmore avenues, in the East New York section. About nine years ago Archbishop Platon and...