
I was recently interviwed by Virginia Nieuwsma of, the official website of the Antiochian Archdiocese. They ran the interview today, and you can read it by clicking here.

The San Francisco Cathedral: Before and After

In its early years, the Russian cathedral in San Francisco had a number of homes, including: 3241 Mission St. (the home of a parishioner named Mr. Seculovich) 509 Greenwich St. 911 Jackson St. 1108 Pierce St. 829 Greenwich St. (owned by a German Lutheran church) 1713 Powell St. Most of...

St. Raphael’s consecration: a newly-discovered photo

St. Raphael was consecrated Bishop of Brooklyn on March 13, 1904. I wrote about this event in July, and my article was accompanied by a small photo of Raphael -- the only known surviving photograph of his consecration. That is, until now.  Last month, I stumbled upon an issue of the...

Today in history: the death of Metropolitan Antony Bashir

I haven't done a great deal of research on Metropolitan Antony Bashir, and as a result, I've written very little about him on this website. That said, he is a hugely important figure in American Orthodox history. Today, February 15, marks the 44th anniversary of his death, in 1966. Bashir...

The Ghost Story of the Bulgarian Monk

Back in September, I discussed the incredible story of Rev. A.N. Experidon, better known as "The Bulgarian Monk." (Click here for the podcast, and here for the articles.) To briefly recap, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the story: "The Bulgarian Monk" was the stage name of...

Today in American Orthodox History: Bjerring’s sermon on unbelief

  On the morning of Sunday, February 9, 1873 -- that is, 137 years ago today -- a crowd assembled in Holy Trinity Russo-Greek Chapel in New York City. The priest, Fr. Nicholas Bjerring, gave an address on "Unbelief and the Indifference in Religion." The whole speech was printed in the...

A Poisoned Chalice? Fr. Ingram Nathaniel Irvine in 1920

As we've discussed previously, in July of 1920, an all-convert, all-English Orthodox parish was founded in New York City. Called the Church of the Transfiguration, the parish was led by the newly-converted Fr. Patrick Mythen. But it was the fulfillment of a long-held dream of the elderly Fr. Ingram Nathaniel...

Source of the Week: the 1877 Holy Synod edict

For months now, I've been posting a new article virtually every weekday. I've got some things coming up in my life that will prevent me from writing quite that often, so in an effort to organize my time a bit more efficiently (and continue to offer new historical information on...

The Mysterious Death of Fr. Paul Kedrolivansky

On today's episode of my American Orthodox History podcast on Ancient Faith Radio, I tell the story of Fr. Paul Kedrolivansky's suspicious death. For the whole story, you'll want to listen to the podcast. There are quite a few characters involved, and I thought it might be helpful to provide...

The most common names of American Orthodox clergy

Recently, I did a study of the most common names of American Orthodox parishes. In response, Christopher Orr commented, "I wonder what a similar study of clergy (bishop, priest, deacon) names would show. My guess would be Michael, John and George, and perhaps also Nicholas, with Alexander also very popular among...