Tag: 1796

The Kodiak Bell in the LA Times, 1923

Editor's note: The following article appeared in the Los Angeles Times on May 13, 1923, and was entitled, "Tolls Story of Old California." An old and battered bell, hanging in an orange grove where Ramona played in the days of her childhood, rang a new note in the song of...

The Kodiak Bell should be returned to Alaska

  On February 4, I wrote an article on an 18th century Russian bell that currently hangs in an old Roman Catholic mission in California. Thanks to Mr. Clifford Argue, I have since learned a great deal more about the Kodiak Bell, and I am convinced that this bell needs...

18th century Russian bell in California

Yesterday, Isa Almisry made a great comment full of fascinating links and references. One of the most intriguing is this one, on a Russian bell housed at the Mission of San Fernando el Rey de Espana, located 40 miles from San Pedro (where St. Peter the Aleut was reportedly captured):...