Tag: AFR

Reviving the American Orthodox History podcast

Today, Ancient Faith Radio aired the latest episode of my American Orthodox History podcast, which is available HERE and is basically an audio version of my "This week in American Orthodox history" article (with some ad-libbing). And in case you missed it, last week, I revived the podcast with an...

SOCHA interview on Ancient Faith Radio

A quick note to our readers: Last week, Bobby Maddex of Ancient Faith Radio interviewed me about SOCHA's latest developments, especially the journal and the upcoming symposium. Click here to listen to the interview. Matthew Namee

New podcast up at Ancient Faith Radio

After a hiatus of more than a year, I've finally added a new American Orthodox History episodeĀ over at Ancient Faith Radio. It's actually the audio of a talk I gave last July at the Greek Archdiocese Clergy-Laity Congress in Atlanta, but I just recently got around to sending it to...

Metr. Jonah on the Episcopal Assembly and the OCA

At the assembly of the OCA's Canadian archdiocese being held in July 2010, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen), primate of the OCA, spoke at some length about the Episcopal Assembly, particularly regarding the position of the OCA toward it. Especially considering the unique position of the OCA as it relates...

The first convert priests… or… the first American apostates

Editor's note: Last year, on September 30, I aired a podcast on James Chrystal and Nicholas Bjerring, the first two convert priests in American Orthodox history. On the same day, I published an article on the two men, reflecting on their relevance to us today. Given that many of our...

Bishop Basil on the Episcopal Assembly

Editor's note: On June 12, Ancient Faith Radio aired an interview I did with Bishop Basil of Wichita, the Secretary of our Episcopal Assembly. Recently, I learned that AFR produced a transcript of that interview. For our readers who might prefer text to audio, I'm reprinting that transcript here in...

Fr. Mark Arey on the Episcopal Assembly

Ancient Faith Radio has just aired a 56-minute long interview with Fr. Mark Arey, General Secretary of SCOBA and a key coordinator of the first meeting of the Episcopal Assembly. I haven't yet listened to the interview, but this is how AFR describes it: In our continuing effort to keep...

New Podcast on Fr. Demetrios Petrides

On today's episode of my American Orthodox History podcast, I focus on the life of Fr. Demetrios Petrides, a Greek priest in Philadelphia and Atlanta from 1907 to 1917. It was Petrides who, as priest in Philadelphia, wrote a letter to the Ecumenical Patriarchate recommending Robert Morgan for ordination as...

Metropolitan Antony Bashir podcast

My latest podcast is up at AFR. I discuss the life of Metropolitan Antony Bashir, basically repeating what I wrote a month ago, on the anniversary of his death.

The Ghost Story of the Bulgarian Monk

Back in September, I discussed the incredible story of Rev. A.N. Experidon, better known as "The Bulgarian Monk." (Click here for the podcast, and here for the OH.org articles.) To briefly recap, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the story: "The Bulgarian Monk" was the stage name of...