Tag: converts

The Orthodox Baptism of a Civil War Veteran

Last week, we published the story of William Hoskins, an 89-year-old veteran of the American Civil War who traveled from Los Angeles to San Francisco in December 1900 to be baptized into the Orthodox faith by St Sebastian Dabovich. Shortly after this, Fr Kirill Sokolov, dean of Holy Trinity Cathedral...

US Civil War Veteran Baptized by St Sebastian Dabovich

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the number of Orthodox in America had not reached 50,000, but it already had several distinguished converts to the Orthodox Faith from Protestantism and Roman Catholicism: William Hoskins, an eighty-nine-year-old Civil War veteran who was a Baptist from Los Angeles, who traveled to...

Fr Seraphim Rose and “Corrective Baptism”

There is not universal agreement about the manner in which converts are received into the Orthodox Church. In some Orthodox jurisdictions, all converts are received via baptism and chrismation, regardless of whether they were previously baptized in a heterodox tradition. Others receive these types of converts via chrismation only, provided...

35th Anniversary of Bob Marley’s Death

In honor of the 35th anniversary of the passing of Bob Marley, who finished his life as a member of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (his baptism was just six months before his death), we're reposting this piece we posted in 2010 (with a few additions) featuring the program from...

St Raphael Hawaweeny & Spanish language Orthodoxy in the Americas

St Raphael Hawaweeny was a native of Lebanon, who in 1904 became the first Orthodox bishop ordained in the new world. As Bishop of Brooklyn he had oversight over the Syro-Lebanese communities that were beginning to appear in the Americas in the early twentieth century and he worked tirelessly for...

Fr. Kyrill Johnson, 1897-1947

A lot of us at SOCHA happen to be really busy right now (personally, I'm in the middle of law school exams), so rather than leave you without much to read this week, here's an article we originally published back in August 2010. Fr. Kyrill Johnson was one of many...

Author & Hollywood screenwriter Elliot Paul converts to Orthodoxy

On March 5, 1958, the New York Times ran the following article: AUTHOR ADOPTS FAITH Elliot Paul, in Hospital, Joins Greek Orthodox Church PROVIDENCE, R.I., March 4 (AP) -- Elliot Paul, author, became a member of the Greek Eastern Orthodox Church today in bedside ceremonies at the Veterans Administration Hospital...

This week in American Orthodox history (March 19-25)

March 25, 1886: The future Greek Archbishop and later Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras Spyrou was born. Athenagoras led the Greek Archdiocese from 1930 to 1948, when he was elected Patriarch of Constantinople. He served in that position for nearly a quarter-century, until his death in 1972. March 25, 1891: St. Alexis...

ROCOR to offer an annual memorial service for Philip Ludwell III

Today being a Monday, I normally would publish the next edition of my "This week in American Orthodox history" series (in which I would say, among other things, that today marks the 97th anniversary of St. Raphael Hawaweeny's repose). But that will have to wait until tomorrow, because I need...